
Let Spencer Munson Property Services look after your property and you will not only have the best marketing at your disposal but also expert local knowledge of the property market.
We work strenuously to find the right Tenant for your needs. We genuinely want our Landlords to have good tenancies with the least hassle and so we adopt the ethos “Would I rent my own property to these Tenants?” We do all we can to minimise the risks for our Landlords.
We advertise on major brand name websites:, and as well as many lesser known ones such as and Accompanying this is a prominent Google and Facebook Marketing campaign involving highly targeted search terms within the local area.
We have also just re-launched our fully interactive website showcasing all our properties To Let or For Sale with full descriptions, floorplans, room sizes, EPC and quality photographs.
We pride ourselves on the quality of our details whether in house, our window display, on websites or in print and train our staff in the use of our DSLR cameras so that all our photographs are of high quality both technically and also in what they display to encourage viewings. As a result we have the highest click through rate on Rightmove nearly every week. We also include room measurements and floorplans to give useful information to potential Buyers and Tenants so that they have a clear understanding of what they are going to view resulting in a high conversion rate of viewings to offers. This is what Landlords and Vendors should expect: good Buyers or Tenants viewing their property with a real expectation of success.
But we don’t just rely on the internet; we still offer our properties and services through traditional printed media and we maintain an actively updated database of people looking to rent or buy. In fact we are often told that we are the only local Agent who still rings applicants regularly to let them know of available properties rather than just relying on automated emails.
We accompany the applicants on their viewings of properties, answering questions and making sure all agreed terms are included in Tenancy Agreements or passed to Solicitors in Sales. Viewings are available six days a week.
All of these marketing methods ensure that we provide an unrivalled, current, personal service that regularly surpasses expectations.